2024 Reports

R1: Mariam Metwally 3-0 [WC] Nour Ramy

Mariam Metwally (EGY) 3-0 [WC] Nour Ramy (EGY) 11-2, 11-5, 11-4 (22m)


“I haven’t actually ever played Nour, but she’s a good player and I was just trying to stir to my game plan as much as I could. I like this court because I like to play fast-paced, so it worked well. It’s good to finish the match as fast as I could, so I could get a good recovery for tomorrow. I was just trying to finish the match as quick as I could at the end.

“I had knee surgery in 2020, and since then I have been through a lot, so after that time I worked on my knee, I did a lot of rehab, and I came back strong. Every now and then it’s a bit tricky. I actually felt something in my knee right after Cincinnati, so I pulled out from Chicago, and I was just trying to get some good recovery in. I now feel much better.