R1: Tom Richards (Eng) 3-0 Edmon Lopez (Esp) 11-7, 11-6, 11-4 (40m)
Impressive straight-game win for England’s Tom Richards over Spaniard Edmon Lopez.
Tom: I feel really fit at the moment, mind you, it’s hard to gage with the situation but I can say that I feel good in training!
Today, I’m happy with how professional I played, I was patient, I was controlled. And I had to be because Edmon is a solid and strong player, relentless and I like the way he played. He didn’t give me anything, I had to go and win every point.
Yes, very patient, build and create the opportunity. And that comes from feeling fitter now that I did when I was 26, 27 because I was injured all the time then. But touch wood I haven’t been injured for three four years, and that allows me to train properly.
I am enjoying my squash, although I’m at the twilight of my career. Like a lot of people, I struggle with the situation being naturally an introverted character, and only coming alive by feeding off the crowds! Can’t wait for Canary Wharf in November, TOC, all the good crowd events…